Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Catching up is hard to do

Where to begin?

We had so much snow, well 'so much' is a relative term. Since we had so little last year and we like to forget what it is like to have a lot of snow, I feel like we really got dumped on this week.

Hubby's bus didn't even come Monday morning. J had a combined class because teachers couldn't make it in and I pulled him home on a toboggan. That is how much snow we got in one day. And what to do when there is so much snow?

Bake, play in it, and keep the baby in the house. J is dressed for baking in the photo above. I have been working on the cookies that I am baking for Hubby's employees at work. I did this last year, but found out the night we stuffed the boxes that 400 weren't enough. So I baked approximately 400 cookies in one night to fill them. This year I already have 400 in the freezer, with plans for another 400-600 more. We are filling the boxes with cookies and chocolate this year. And I tried out a new recipe, spice cookies drizzled with chocolate. They just sound so yummy, that I had to try them. I am also going to do a Vanilla bean sugar cookie tomorrow and see how they taste too. And you know what if I don't like them, that is ok because they will be baked and out of the house within a few days.
See these guys? Yes, these two furry snow like dogs? Yeah, well they are not so snow loving. They go in and out so many times that it drives me batty. They seem to only stay out when it is 35 degrees above freezing or 35 degrees below freezing. They stand there at the door and knock and knock and knock until you let them back in. J was even out there wanting to play with them but noooo they knocked and knocked until I let them back in. Crazy dogs.
And poor Santa. For a while he was hanging off the side of the roof, but for some reason he got tired and had to lay down for a while. He has been like this for two days now. Hope he will be alright in time for Christmas.

I posted a few more photos in flickr. I have been busy trying to finish all the handmade presents. I am almost done all the sewing ones. But, had to stop so I could put together the Christmas cards. They are almost ready to be mailed. Then I have a few things to make together with J, so I need to do them on the weekend when Hubby can watch Apple for me, so I don't have to pick her up while working with glue. It's a busy time here chez BeachMama, but I love every minute of it.

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Blogger Unknown said...

The cookies you're making this year sound delicious! I'm going to start my Christmas baking soon too. I'm in need of some good recipes!!! I've got my signature "totally special chocolate chip cookies" and shortbread cookies with icing and festive sprinkles...but I'm looking for something that will just WOW the pants off of everyone. Any ideas???

12:45 AM  
Blogger Family Adventure said...

I'm loving the sound of those cookies. If you don't like a type, I wouldn't mind you shipping them over here. Happy to help out.

Poor Santa - hope he's back up soon!

Heidi :)

3:08 AM  
Blogger Chantal said...

What company does your husband run again, I think I just might be looking for a new job ;).
I can't get over how productive you are with an infant at home! You rock!

12:21 PM  
Blogger Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Mmm, the cookies sound yummy! Lucky peopple at your hubby's office


1:03 PM  
Blogger Silver Creek Mom said...

You are so Martha Stewart!
I couldn't do all that. Would drive me insane.
I loved the snow day!
Apple is Changing so fast!


9:48 AM  

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