Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Don't know what else to say...

I have been trying to rack my brain today to think of something fun to write about. But, truth be told, I feel like Hurricane Katrina has pretty much taken over my mind. I have not watched CNN or CBC until about a half hour ago, but I thought I should check in. It is just too hard to watch all the devistation and destruction. My little guy just doesn't understand when Mommy is crying and I feel bad that he doesn't understand. He knows I am sad though and that too breaks my heart. My heart breaks for all the families who have lost so much. No homes, no food, no jobs, so many of them just don't know what to do. And really what do you do? I certainly don't know what I would do, but I know that I would want to be trying to do something. It must be just so hard. I pray for them all and hope that there will be an end soon to the water so they can at least try to start picking up the pieces.