Monday, November 13, 2006

Intervention, Done. Votes Casted!

Yesterday was definately tough. My Sister and I held our intervention complete with the help of Mom. Dad knew it was coming and tried to get us to stop talking. But, when I started to cry he stopped and listened. The most important words I had to say were, "I am not ready for you to go Dad." And you know what? He heard each and every word. I told him that I understand how hard it is to lose weight and all we are asking is that he tries. If he only loses ten pounds then that is alright with us. We just want him to try. The Doctors will most likely make him lose a lot more, but we got him off on the right track. I brought gifts of fresh fruits and a trail mix of seeds, nuts and dried fruit for when he has the munchies. I also brought lemons for his water, to make it more fun to drink. All in all it was good, just tough to tell your Dad something he should know better about. And we love him so much, that is what was most important to convey.

Since it is municipal voting day here, we made sure we casted our ballots. J didn't tell me I did a good job this time, but he sure loved pretending to play basketball in the gym of his school. He really can't wait for school now, I don't think I will have a choice but to register him for four year old kindergarten next year. He is just too excited to get there and start learning. I hope he doesn't get too upset when they don't spend the entire day in the gym. Anyhow, I digress. We voted, we voted, we voted!!!! I hope to hear that all of you in our area voted too!!!!

Can't wait to hear who wins!


Blogger nancy said...

Just catching up here...good for you about talking openly and honestly with you Dad, great job! You will all benefit.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I know how hard it would be to do that with my dad. He figures he is above all this and gets so ticked when any of us get emotional. Your dad sounds like a great Man and he will do this with the help of all his wonderful girls.

And becasue you did this I went and talked to my mom about Christmas and things went better than expected and I can sleep again. YEAH!

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understnad that worry about your parents and wanting them to take better care of themselves. I'm happy to hear that your father took you seriously and that with your support will work hard to improve his well being.

He is a lucky man to have you as a daughter!


8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, what a hard conversation to have. I've tried to work around this topic with my mom, but she's still in denial. I worry about her so much, so I feel for you.

I'm glad he's doing okay and taking your advice!

And as for the vote? Bleah...

1:54 PM  
Blogger skatey katie said...

that is such positive news about your Dad, beachmama, i am so excited that he is listening to you and trying.
it's hard at the beginning, but.. like you say.. once he has the joy of losing a little and feeling better for it: hopefully he'll continue X

2:51 PM  

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