Friday, July 28, 2006

Before 40!

A few years ago now, I wrote myself a list of things to do before I was fourty. Sadly, it was in an old daytimer at work and although it is probobly in the basement in a box, I don't feel like digging it out right at this moment. Instead I thought I would see if I could remember all ten things.

I am 35 going on 36 and I think I wrote it when I was 30 or 31, thinking I had lots of time.. heh heh.

10 Things - Before 40:
1. Have a Baby - DONE!! J was born August 2003.

2. Have a Million Dollars - not quite.

3. Go Surfing - DONE!! Surfed Ocean City, Maryland August 2002. Would have been going again in August, but had to cancel that. Pregancy and surfing do not go hand in hand.

4. Write a book - started, but not complete. Surprised that this is one of my ambitions? Don't be, I may not always write so stellar here because these are my thoughts, but I can write and graduated with a concentration in English from Ottawa U.

5. Get Published - writing a book and getting published are two entirely different things, I can accomplish one without ever getting the other done, but hopefully I will get both done in the next four years!

6. Do some modelling - people have asked me through the years why I don't model. I think it is my height and blonde hair that make people ask. It isn't for lack of trying. I have been to a few agencies, but so far no takers. I will admit that I didn't go full force with the portfolio, etc. If I had received enough interest that would have been my next step. I will also admit that I am not skinny enough, but I was always hoping to do some of the 'real life modelling' that some of the Canadian magazines are more on par with.

7. Get Back to England and France - We lived in England when I was 6/7 and travelled to France. I like to say for my seventh birthday, but in truth it was for the family, not just me. We were there a year and it wasn't the greatest year. For a long time I never wanted to go back, but after working with a guy from England he renewed my interest and I would love to go back now as an adult to see where we lived and to actually go up the Eiffel Tower. I figured we would be back again one day soon, so I did not climb the tower with my Dad and older sister, but sayed below with my Mom and Baby Sister. I do remember the Tower, the Arc du Triomphe, Le Palais deo Versailles and all the wonderful people that we met with my Dad's wonderful French and touque with a Canadian maple leaf on it. That touque alone got us into two hotels where kids weren't allowed. He still wears it every winter, with pride, although it is a bit ratty and has seen better days.

8. Own my own business - well technically I own two. But, I am closing one down as it has fulfilled its purpose and no longer works with being a SAHM. I am taking the other one a bit further. My goal is to have this second business set up entirely by the time my kids are in school. I am hoping to have a couple of extra years to build it up now ;). I currently have two clients and hope to add two more over the next year. To go full time at home my goal is to have ten clients. I want to be flexible enough that I can work from home and be here for the kids after school and if they are sick. I think I can do it, no scratch that, I know I can do it, I will just have a bit of extra time to figure things out, hopefully.

I can't remember the last two, but will scratch my head as to what they were....

I first wrote myself a list because a successful business person I know told me that to make things work out he always wrote down his goals. As well, Oprah once had a show with women who were millionaires, and most of them all wrote themselves a million dollar check and stashed it away in a drawer. Years later when they made their first million they pulled it out as a reminder of what their goal was. I had decided that I should write out a few goals so I had something to strive for before I hit 40. I was worried I would get there and not a heck of a lot to show for the last 40 years. I am happy with the things I have accomplished so far. I will work on the rest over the next 4 years and hopefully all will come to fruition.

p.s going for beat number 4 very soon!!!


Blogger Silver Creek Mom said...


I was so busy trying to get PG in my 30's that honestly I put my life on hold till that happened. Although I did do alot of volunteer stuff I still was side track with Having Nathan.

I should write a list of things to do before I'm 50 since I'm going to be 43 in few weeks.


Great list sweetie.!

8:32 AM  
Blogger Northern Mom said...

Ummmm....Pregnant models are always awesome...and you were radiant with J.....
GO for it...All of it

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So....have you written the cheque yet?

11:08 AM  
Blogger BeachMama said...

Indeed Snack Mommy, indeed ;).

And Northern Mom you are so awesome, thank you for the compliament, who knows maybe I'll get some work.

Silver Creek Mom, you are more 34 than 43, so write away, anything can happen!

4:57 PM  
Blogger twinmomplusone said...

Writing goals down is an awesome idea and yours sound great AND attainable!

I have such a list too that I wrote down 20 years ago. I should hunt it down and see how much I've accomplished. But in the meantime, I'll set a few more golas to achieve before turning 50 (right there with you SCM!)

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

4:25 PM  

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