Friday, July 13, 2007

The Weather here sucks

I think if I knew we would be returning to such aweful weather, I would have opted to stay for another week with my Aunt and Uncle.

My tan is fading fast and although yesterday was quite nice, it only lasted for half the day. It is cold rainy and rather depressing actually. I miss the sand and the sunshine. All the folks south of us getting a heat wave and we are stuck insome artic chill or something.

I guess I do have the photos and the memory of warm sun and air on my skin. If only I could sit out back and close my eyes and pretend I was still there. If I sit out back right now, I will be soaked and wind up with a chill.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm lucky. I have a tan and I hate to go out in the sun. I get it from my Dad's side of the family. :-)

9:14 PM  
Blogger nancy said...

I am catching up on all your posts since your return...sounds like SUCH a great vacation. I am excited for you about all the inspiration you got for your writing and photography. Your pics are so great - so simple, yet they say so much, yet seems so personal.

I almost feel as recharged and relaxed as you sound.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Karen MEG said...

Lovely pictures of the beach. You take wonderful photos, and it sounds like you're now totally inspired. No wonder you love it there!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Pendullum said...

Ahh... Take a pic of your finely tanned, sunkissed face and post it so we may bask in its glow of a grand vacation well spent...

7:23 PM  
Blogger 180360 said...

I have the opposite problem! I could use some cooler temps with rain and clouds about now!

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi!! Congrats! You have a blog award! Check my site...

1:39 AM  
Blogger twinmomplusone said...

LOVE your photographic eye, makes me want to go to the beach too ;)

glad to hear you got your mojo back and hope you feel recharged till your next visit to your favorite place;)

8:16 AM  

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